Singer name: Joan Baez
Song name: Lincoln Freed Me Today (The Slave)


Joan Baez

Lincoln Freed Me Today (The Slave)

Been a slave most all my life
so's my kids and so's my wife
I've been working on the Colonel's farm
Ain't been mistreated, ain't done no harm
I'll be a slave to my grave
No need of me being free.

Recollect when I was just fourteen
Freedom use to be my biggest dream
I'm older now, lot wiser too
If I was free what would I do
The Colones right good to me
He's taken care of my family.

The Colonel rode the buggy in from town
Hitched the horse and called us all around
Said he couldn't keep us here no more
I saw a tear as he walked toward the door
Oh Dear God, what did he say?
Lincoln freed me today.

David Patton
Published by Rolling Meadows Music
ASCAP 3:21